Saturday, March 14, 2009

Video Streaming Seminar for Church Staff

There's a Video Streaming Seminar coming up for Pastors and Technical Staff. The seminar is geared towards helping Pastors and their staff get a better understanding of streaming media technology. The next seminar is scheduled to be in Indianapolis, IN. Time and Date: TBA.

Session for Pastors

The session for Pastors starts at 10 am and is designed to give Pastors a better understanding of Video Streaming, Web Video and Podcasting. The session will provide a good overview of how Churches can take advantage of delivering videos for Downloadable Streaming, Real-time Streaming, Live Streaming and Podcasting. The session for Pastors will be taught in a non-technical
manner to help give a better understanding of the
possibilities with Streaming Media and Podcasting

Session for Technical Staff

The session for Church Technical Staff will dive
into more of the technical parts of Web Streaming and
Podcasting. The presenter will show various
streaming and encoding tools during the presentation
to give staff an understanding of what's available.
There will also be more details on the cost of the
various tools. Tools covered in the session will
include: Video Encoding/Compression Tools, Live
Streaming Tools, and Audience Reporting Tools.

If you would like to attend the event contact Freeman Compression Inc. at 407-477-5837. If you can't make the event and would like to have a personalized Video Streaming Seminar in your city or on-line give us a call.