Thursday, October 1, 2009

Episode Engine for Split and Stitch Encoding on the Mac

Organizations and companies can consider Telestream's Episode Engine for Spit and Stitch encoding on the Mac. This encoding feature is one of the coolest I've seen because it takes advantage of cluster encoding. With Episode Engine you can build your own cluster with computers and XServes on your network. For those that are interested in high volume ultra fast encoding on the Mac platform using your internal network, Episode is definitely something to consider. With Telestream's Episode Engine you can submit a video file to one of your designated Watch folders and then Engine can divide the video up amongst the encoding nodes in your cluster. This makes the encoding process for each file much faster. You could literally have 5 Xserves working on encoding one 30 or 60 minute video file. So encoding 50 videos goes much faster than real time.

Here's a glimpse of what Split and Stitch looks like. The above image shows the video file divided into 8 sections and then each part can be sent to a node. Once all of the 8 sections have finished encoding the file is brought back together into one file. Split and Stich is great for long form content and for those that want to get video content on-line in the shortest amount of time.