Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Adding Video MIME types to Windows 2003 Server for Downloadable Streaming

For those that are using the Windows 2003 Server and you desire to use the formats such as Flash (.FLV), and MPEG-4 and H.264 (.mp4) for download streaming you'll need to add these MIME types to your server before you can stream your content.

Here's a quick tutorial on how to do it:

Option #1 for Adding MIME types- at the Global Level

If you need to add a MIME type for a Web Server that uses IIS such as Windows 2003 Server first go to Administrative Tools and choose Internet Information Services (IIS). Once you get in the IIS Window you can add your MIME type by selecting the local computer and choosing the Action pull-down menu and selecting Properties.

Next go in and add your MIME type by clicking the MIME Types button.

Once in the MIME types dialog you can add your MIME type by clicking the New button and adding the format extension plus the MIME type. For example, for Flash Video you would type in .FLV for the extension and video/x-flv for the MIME type.

Option #2 for Adding MIME types - At the Web Directory level

For adding a MIME type at the Web Directory Level you go to Administrative Tools and choose Internet Information Services (IIS).

Select the Web Sites Folder in the IIS Manager and choose the Action Pull-down menu and select Properties.

Click the HTTP Headers Tab and go in and select the MIME Types button on the bottom of the dialog.

Now you can click the New button and add you MIME type. Use the same process you used for adding a MIME at the Global level.