Setting up an encoding workstation is one of the best things you can do if you're going to be encoding a lot of videos. An encoding workstation is a computer set-up with compression software installed and its primary task is to encode videos. Now a lot of times when organizations start encoding content they'll encode videos on the same workstation that is used for video editing. This presents a problem because it's hard to get other work done during the encoding process. When you set up an encoding workstation it solves the dilemma because all of your encode jobs can be sent to the encoding workstation. Video editors can continue to edit and encoding can occur all at the same time.
You should avoid the tendency to install additional software and use your encoding workstation for other functions. It really defeats the purpose. Granted to have an encoding workstation you have to make the investment in the workstation, compression software, RAM, and extra hard drive space but it's worth it. A good tip is to leave your encoding workstation on all the time so encoding can occur. Of course you have to shut the computer down every once in a while but that's not a big deal. So, make sure you invest in an encoding workstation to make your encoding process easier.