Saturday, April 4, 2009

Wirecast 3.5.1 has Flash Live Streaming Support

Telestream's Wirecast encoding tool version 3.5.1 was already an amazing tool for live streaming but things just got better. Now Wirecast has support for Flash streaming in the H.264 flavor. This brings a much needed improvement for those doing live encoding on the Mac platform. One catch is you'll need to have an Intel based Mac to have the new Flash encoding support. PC users also benefit from the latest release but it's not as important because PC users already have live encoding tools such as On2 Flix live and Flash Media Live Encoder to choose from. Both On2 Flix live and Flash Media Live Encoder are not available on the Mac platform. So, certainly the Wirecast 3.5.1 release will make Mac folks happy. Buffering is also much better with this latest version. For those doing live encoding with Wowza Media System's Wowza Media Server Pro you can improve your buffer times for Flash Streaming by going with Wirecast over using QuickTime Broadcaster. Many thanks to Telestream for the much need Flash Live encoding support for Mac users.