Friday, April 3, 2009

On-line Streaming Seminar Available

Freeman Compression Inc. now has an On-line Streaming Seminar that provides a good introduction and overview of Streaming Media.

The seminar explains the following:

Video Streaming
Encoding and Compression
Streaming Servers
Downloadable Streaming
Real-time Streaming
Live Streaming
Encoding Tools
Web Authoring
Encoding Workstation
Content Delivery Networks
Log file analytics for Web Servers and Streaming Servers (Audience Reporting tools)

Note: This seminar will also include the cost to move forward with streaming media delivery.

The seminar length is 2 hours and the cost is $99. Give Freeman Compression Inc. a call today at 407.477.5837 to sign-up for the seminar. You can also email us at for more information.